Why J


The Beginnings:
1994 - Web 1.0

Ah that magical year when I received The WEB!
My first SURF was something to behold.
The anticipation was palpable dialing into the server to request access to this inspiring digital playground.




And with an Entrepreneurial and Autistic brain like mine.. Well, the creative and business possibilities seemed endless.

I was enthralled that small businesses could NOW compete alongside monster corporations - but you know - with less ‘evil monopolies’

and more BRANDS delivering Authentic Value
to customers.

WORDS inspire, stimulate
and resonate
Powerful Feelings

The influence language has on the human psyche was not just apparent to me - it IS me. I have always been fascinated with:



Strategic Copy is about connecting with your audience’s feelings by understanding the

Psychology of their NEEDS

People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions.

- B. Warren

Copywriters Give Every BRAND Its VOICE

I want to know who I’m buying from - that’s important to me.

And as it turns out, more and more people feel the same, because research continues to validate customer desire to buy from BRANDS with Values that ALIGN with their own.

Looking for a specific marketing service for your BRAND?